Call for Entries: YELLOW (2019 Juried Exhibition)


Deadline for Submission: June 21, 2019, 11:59 PM EST
Exhibition Dates: August 17, 2019 – October 6, 2019

Seeking contemporary art in all media that explores or references YELLOW, which is found in art, nature, literature, science, society, and language as a color, a concept, and a construct with many different connotations. Work will be juried by guest juror Kevin Sipp, Cultural Affairs and Public Art Coordinator for the City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs Public Art Program and Gallery 72.  For complete details and to submit:

About the Juror

Kevin Sipp is the Project Coordinator for Gallery 72, a Municipal Art Space for the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs. Gallery 72 is dedicated to presenting stimulating, and thought provoking contemporary art and programs that focus on advancing Atlanta’s art offerings. Gallery 72 seeks to promote cutting-edge contemporary art, while extending opportunities to artists and art organizations to explore creative expression and compelling idea.

Kevin Sipp is also a fine artist, scholar, and curator with expertise in printmaking, painting, sculpture and multi-media installation.  He has over 25 years of experience working in the Atlanta visual arts community to facilitate functional spaces and resources for visual artists and community – based arts organizations. He has overseen audience and program development, outreach, collections acquisition  and management and  exhibition selection for various regional institutions.  A Florida native, he has lived and worked in Georgia since the early 90’s where he received a BA in Printmaking from the Atlanta College of Art.